Tag Archives: domination

Toying with the Senses, Tormenting the Muse ~ Bondage Play

I placed four brand-new, thick black leather dog collars on the small mahogany table next to his straight-backed chair. I had modified two of these collars for our bondage play, by punching extra holes so that they would fit even tighter.

Lucas kept his eyes downcast. Seated quiet, lovely in his nudity. He gave no obvious reaction to the presentation of our new toys. Nonetheless, his excitement was palpable in the charged air around us, and evident in the swelling of his magnificent cock.

I poured myself a glass of wine and took a single sip. I replaced the wine on the table, next to my display of black leather and stainless steel hardware, then proceeded to pick up the first two dog collars. These were the unmodified ones. I knelt on the floor and wrapped, first one and then the other, around each of the front chair legs, folding them to secure the buckles around Lucas’ smooth bare ankles as well.

I stood, took a second sip of my wine, then picked up the last two dog collars.

Obligingly, Lucas placed his arms atop the arms of the chair, and waited patiently. I fastened the modified dog collars around his wrists and the chair arms, pulling them tight. I straightened and looked over my bondage work thus far. Lucas tried to straighten his legs and arms, testing the security of his bindings. There was no give. Only a slight creaking of the leather in mild protest.

Placing one burgundy-lacquered fingernail beneath Lucas’ chin, I tilted his head up so that his eyes met mine. Those soft, gray-green eyes looked into my own hazel eyes–mine, framed by black Venetian lace of a stylized hawk mask–with absolute trust and no small degree of patiently smoldering lust.

Without breaking eye contact, I reached my free hand into the top of my satin corset, and extracted a long strip of cobalt blue silk from between my breasts, enjoying the feel of it sliding up my skin. A trace of my amber perfume clung to the rich fabric. I released Lucas’ chin and slid the silk between my fingers before stretching it across his eyes and then tying it securely behind his head, knotting it against the auburn curls of his soft, chin-length hair.

I stood back to admire the sight of him, bound and compliant. His cock, so hard it stood upright against his stomach.

I sipped my wine, drawing the smooth, dry libation between my burgundy-painted lips, savoring both the wine and my artistry. Lucas looked positively delicious.

Next, from a drawer in the mahogany table, I extracted a tiny glass bottle of oil, scented heavily with sandalwood–one of my favorite fragrances! I unscrewed the little silver lid, withdrawing the attached metal wand, which dripped with the oil. I used the wand to apply that earthy aroma behind his ears, beneath his jaw and at the base of his throat, where I could see his pulse beating. I tipped the bottle gently against the center of his chest, watching as the glistening oil trailed down between his pectorals and over toned abs. Candlelight within the room, gilded that stream of precious oils in lovely, flickering light.

Closing my eyes for a moment, I breathed in the exquisite scent of Lucas, blending with the sandalwood. I leaned forward and inhaled deeply at his hairline, letting my nose gently caress the edge of his sensitive ear, then drifted down to let my nose trace his jawline, enjoying how he shivered at the touch, before kissing his sweet, eager lips.

Again, I rose. Picking up my wine, I began to walk a slow circle around him. I could sense Lucas tracking my movement, by the tap, tap, tapping of my heels on the hardwood floor. Once behind him, I paused briefly to bend down and brush kisses along his throat. I thoroughly enjoyed the shiver which ran visibly through him again, as I did so.

Once completing my circuit, I placed my wine back atop the table and reached for a small velvet pillow, which had waited upon the chaise lounge. I tossed it to the floor, before my lover, then slowly lowered myself to kneel upon it, between his calves.

Prior to escorting Lucas into this room, I had set out several items beneath his chair, within easy reach. First, a bowl of ice. Second, a feather. Third, a small envelope of Pop Rocks candy. And, fourth, a small vibrating, silicon panty insert.

I reached for the panty insert first, setting it to its highest vibration. I reached up to brush the vibrating, satin-y finish over Lucas’ nipples. They tightened, darkened and begged for more. I let the vibrator’s edge follow the path of the sandalwood oil, down the center of his chest and to his navel. I used it to massage around the top of his inner thighs, near the crease of his groin, drawing additional blood flow to the pelvic region. His firm cock, throbbed. A tiny transparent bead of pre-cum seeped, glistening at its tip. I leaned forward and graciously licked up that inviting little pearl, earning a deep groan from Lucas. Finally, I pressed the silicon insert against his remarkably full balls, letting the vibration linger. Lucas let his head fall back. He moaned low and long… His hands flexed upon the arm of the chair, wanting to reach for me, wanting to pull my lips back to his cock. The sturdy bondage I’d employed, held true!

I extracted the insert and, at last, slid it into the lining of my black lace panties. That delicious vibration was nestled against my pussy, tantalizing my clit. I could not help but roll my hips against it, humming a note of pleasure as it teased.

I was ready to select my next “toy”.

My fingers found, and gripped, the stem of the long ivory ostrich feather. I pulled it onto my thigh in preparation. First, however, I used my other hand to grip the base of Lucas’ hard, sleek cock. My lips found its tip and I drew him into my wet, hot mouth. I swirled my tongue around its tip and, again, tasted his pre-cum. I sucked and teased at a leisurely pace. The chair rocked slightly, as Lucas again tested his binds, wanting to reach for me. Wanting to writhe in his pleasure. The sounds which left his lips, were thrilling and I felt an answering wetness between my legs. I ground my pussy down against the little vibrator in my panties. Already, I wanted to cum! It made me whimper in sympathy with his own plight. Though he would have to wait much longer than I.

I raised the feather. Opening my eyes to slits, I sought out his ticklish zones. Directing the tip of my feather to them, I was quickly rewarded. While trailing the feather up the side of his muscled torso, towards his arm, he jerked in his bindings. I sucked him into my mouth a little more deeply to silence his protest. The feather found another mark across his shoulder. He began to plead. My only response was to take his cock as deeply into my throat as it would go, relaxing the muscles of my throat to take him in fully. His pleading faded to a whimper of defeat and pleasure.

I really liked this game…

Once I’d had my fill of that treat, I laid the feather back down upon the floor. For a time, thereafter, I lazily licked and sucked his cock, occasionally massaging his heavy balls. I moaned around the head of his cock, letting the vibration of those moans pleasure him further.

And, when my first orgasm broke over me, his cock was deep into my mouth and he experienced the full physical timbre of my screams.

Eventually, the waves of climax ebbed. I rested my forehead against his taut abdomen, releasing his cock momentarily, and I took that time to catch my breath.

Lucas waited patiently, though I could tell he was all the more turned on, from my having cum so hard, while pleasuring him.

Gradually, I parted my lips for him again. One hand cradled his balls. The other pumped his shaft, using the lubrication of my saliva to make it slick. I had a tight seal, with my lips, around that thick mushroom head. My tongue swirled and I sucked him greedily, bobbing my head to meet my hand as it pumped in unison. I listened to every sound he made, tracking those cues until he came closer to orgasm, himself. I listened. I waited. His moans grew more excited and, at last, he was on the brink. Just as he prepared to yell his victory, and shoot his load into my mouth, I withdrew and clamped my thumb and forefinger around the top of his shaft, right beneath that gleaming mushroom head, effectively cutting off his orgasm. His breath left him in a stunned gust and, after a brief moment of shock, he laughed with surprise. I allowed a smile to curve my lips, though his blindfold kept him from seeing it.

I next reached beneath his chair to take an ice cube from the bowl.

I placed the ice cube in my mouth, rolling it around with my tongue and waited a few more seconds until Lucas calmed.

I began to kiss my way up the inside of one of his thighs, while my hand massaged his other. Eventually, my hand again wrapped around his shaft–which was recovering from its denied finish and again very hard–and I squeezed gently to keep it that way. My lips brushed the tip of his cock, teasing, not yet revealing my next surprise.

l tantalized with kisses, strokes, nuzzles and touches. When his swollen member was fully rock hard again, and a shade darker then the last time, I drew him into my mouth. The cold of it was a shock! He sucked in a breath, loudly, and cursed. I took in his entire shaft, in one swift motion, somewhat tightening my hand around it’s base to help prevent him from softening too much.

He softened only slightly, but quickly became hard as stone again as my mouth warmed to him. I brought him close to orgasm before stopping to pop another ice cube into my mouth. I let him calm while I kissed his thighs, his stomach, and his smooth-shaven balls. The ice cube quickly melted, leaving the inside of my mouth cold, once again.

This time, when I deep-throated him, revealing my cold surprise, he welcomed it with a groan. I sucked him noisily, working hands and tongue to bring him to the edge once more.

Again, though, I let him come within a breath of orgasm before I locked my thumb and forefinger around his shaft to squelch it. He cursed, fighting hard to pull free of the leather collars. My bondage tactics continued restraining him to my will, however.

Lucas’ head fell back with a frustrated moan. I chuckled softly…

His cum had, nonetheless, seeped from the crown of his stifled member. When I judged he’d had sufficient time to recover, I carefully licked the mess clean. His moan came, soft and grateful.

Drawing back then, I chose to suck all ten of his fingers, each in turn, kissing his hands when I finished. I brushed kisses up one arm and across his collarbone. I dipped to take his left nipple between my teeth and massaged it gently with them, nibbling and rolling it. Lucas panted and groaned. I grew wetter, listening to him.

I bent to retrieve one more ice cube, which I placed between his lips this time, allowing him to draw my fingers in briefly, along with it. I kissed his neck while he sucked on his refreshment. I then rose up, placing one knee on the chair beside him, and pressed one of my nipples to his mouth. I gasped, enjoying the pleasure as he sucked my nipple into his cold wet mouth.

I repositioned my other foot so that I straddled his arm. Crushing the little vibrator between his arm and my pussy, I rocked against it and, while he devoured my nipple obediently, sucking and pulling, I quickly brought myself to another orgasm. I drenched the vibrator, my panties and his arm. My thighs shook with the aftershocks of it.

I pulled away from Lucas, but paused for another kiss, before descending back down to my velvet cushion.

I began to massage the muscles of his groin, working around his heavy balls, his shaft and the inside of his thighs. I kissed his cock in all of its alert, straining glory.

Finally, I reached for the small envelope of candy beneath his chair. I tore it slowly open, allowing Lucas to hear the unusual sound. I pulled my lips away from his begging cock them, and pushed open the envelope to spill some of the Pop Rocks into my palm. He waited patiently, but curiosity was there in his body language.

I tipped my head back, to pour the candy into my mouth. The moment those tiny chunks of sugar hit my tongue, they began to snap, crackle and pop! I stuck out my tongue so that the sound would be most audible. Puzzlement was in every line of his face and physique.

I added another handful to my mouth. closing my lips, I took a moment to savor the sweet taste and to spread the candy around my mouth, keeping it from forming too many clumps.

I imagine that Lucas’ flesh must have felt quite sensitive by this point, for all that I had denied him, teased and forced him to endure. I smiled with this thought just before I parted my lips and took his throbbing, engorged phallus into my mouth. I surrounded it with the violently popping, fizzing candy. He exclaimed and shuddered, then moaned loudly. I began to slowly work my lips and tongue in combination with the Pop Rocks, and Lucas made the chair and leather groan with him as his body flexed and moved within his restraints. I was more grateful than ever that I’d chosen to get serious with our bondage play, this evening. Lucas sweated and moved… As the heat grew, the room filled with the scent of sandalwood!

Whether from pain or from pleasure, but most likely the perfect combination of both, his reactions were strong. Magnificent! I moaned deeply around his cock. Letting him feel and hear my appreciation for the show he was giving me. The vibrator between my legs was already helping me towards a third orgasm.

I slid both hands around to cup his ass, slightly digging my fingernails into that tight, muscular flesh. I curved one hand around further. Probing with one finger–the one digit who’s nail I’d trimmed in advance–until I found his anus, I carefully slid it into his ass. He threw his head back with a primal sound, like a cross between a grunt and a yell. All the while I devoured his cock with absolute abandon. The candy had since dissolved. I deep-throated him repeatedly before bobbing vigorously upon the head of his cock, demanding his climax.

Knowing, feeling, that he was about to explode, I found my own release and again I screamed around his sex! As though I’d pulled a trigger, he followed, yelling at the top of his voice. Hot, heavy jets of his cum struck my tongue and back of my throat, over and over… I rewarded him, swallowing all he gave me.

He gave much.

When, at last, he had finished and the shuddering aftershocks had quieted, I slowly stirred myself to unbuckle his wrists and ankles. I untied the blindfold and let it slip to the floor. These things would later be returned to our treasure trove of bondage implements.

I held his eyes and reached for my wine glass–this time passing it to him. Lucas welcomed it, taking a deep drink of the rich Cabernet. Then, he reached one hand to curl around the back of my head and pulled me in for a deeper kiss.

I adore sex toys and bondage! 

© 2017-2020 Vanessa Raqs, All Rights Reserved

Want tto have some fun with the author?

Follow @cumversewithme on Twitter for Blog/SIte updates

(WordPress Is informing me that I have not used my focus keyword often enough… So…bondage, bondage, bondage, bondage, bondage, bondage, bondage,  bondage! There!! I am allowed to cheat now and then lol)

Forbidden Office Fruit

Sloppy, wet suction and soft moans were exactly the kind of ambiant music that the ol’ office space needed, Rick thought to himself, while he watched his private show. Betty was on her knees beneath Rick’s desk. The pretty teen intern’s rosy lipstick was mostly rubbed off. Her soft brown hair slid like silk over his exposed lap and she had a seal locked tight around his dick. Her slippery pink tongue drawing crazy patterns all up and down his stiff shaft, never paused, while her head bobbed up and down on it.

Betty’s navy skirt was hiked up around her waist, knees spread wide, while her fingers worked beneath her panties. She’d already brought herself to cum once and was working frantically towards another orgasm.

A knock sounded at the door to his office, but he ignored it. Betty, however, froze. He gave her a reassuring smile and said “The door is locked. They’ll assume I’m on a conference call. Don’t worry about it”. A moment later she resumed sucking down his cock, working one hand around it’s base, before removing it briefly to deep throat him again. Damn, she ate dick like a pro!

Rick could feel himself getting closer. But, he wasn’t ready for his “coffee break” to end so quickly. “Betty, honey, hold on…” he said, placing a hand on her head to slow her down.

“Hmmm?” She replied, sounding a bit dazed.

He pushed back on his roller chair and reached for her arm, pulling her up to stand. He stood also, and turned her around to face his desk. “Bend over” he said into her ear, before placing his hand on her back to give her an encouraging push. She complied with a whimper.

He took her in, then. Skirt around her waist, one thigh high stocking beginning to slide down her leg while the other obediently stayed put. A cute pair of sage green bikini panties were drenched and askew, exposing the pink lips of her pretty shaved pussy. It was rosy, swollen and glistening. He had to taste it!

Getting on his knees, he put his lips on her, letting his tongue delve delve deep into her sex. She moaned while he lapped at her honey. He moved to suck gently on her clit and gave it a gentle nibble, which made her gasp. He began to slide two fingers into her tight heat, aggressively working them in and out of her while he sucked on her swollen clit and pussy lips. Thoroughly enjoying the wet sounds and the deepening of her cries, which she tried to muffle against the sleeve of her blouse, he used his free hand to slide one of her feet over, so that he could move in closer. Get in deeper.

She came. Her pussy clamping tightly down on his fingers in convulsions. Her thighs quivered and shook. And she drenched his hand. Her pussy juices soon dripped down his chin.

His cock strained, fair begging to pound that tight, swollen teen pussy.

While she panted, there on his desk, he sngged a condom from the drawer and expertly slid it on. Rick helped Betty to stand on trembling legs before sitting back in his office chair.

He guided her hips back and positioned his cock for her to sit on. That slippery cunt took him to the hilt, with no resistance. Betty cried out at the suddenness of it. Rick grunted then moaned with the satisfaction of it.

“Play with your nipples for me” he told her. She complied, shoving her blouse and bra up over her breasts and proceeding to pinch and pull those pretty pink nipples. He guided her hips with his hands, moving her quickly on his cock, deeply as she would take him. Those delicious wet sounds joined the clapping of their bodies.

They were both sweaty with the exertion of it, there in the quiet of his office. Heavy breathing, moaning and Betty’s whimpers, the wet sounds of her pussy plunging up-and-down on his stiff cock… These sounds pervaded the air around him.

Finally, he buried his face against her back and yelled, spending his orgasm, cumming hard into the forbidden teen intern who brought everyone their coffee each morning.

He’d been dying to fuck her ever since the first day he laid eyes on her. She was one hell of a good time, too.

© 2017-2020 Vanessa Raqs, All Rights Reserved

Want tto have some fun with the author?

Follow @cumversewithme on Twitter for Blog/SIte updates

Earn What I Paid You ~ Adventures in Marriage, 2


Written by Vanessa Raqs


Excerpt from Dina’s Fuck Journal:

In preparation for the surprise I had planned for my husband, Mark, I’d paid for an afternoon at the salon. I had a sexy ambush planned for him…

While the stylist worked to transform me, I’d watched pieces of my hair fall to the floor, in the unfamiliar shade of chestnut brown she’d temporarily dyed it to. She would continue my makeover by adding big, beautiful soft curls to my otherwise straight hair. I was enjoying seeing someone other than the familiar strawberry blond, in the mirror before me.

For my makeover, I got the works! I’d had a flawless mani/pedi and my long, lovely nails were a seductive shade of deep burgundy. My skin was glowing from an earlier facial and I would be getting my makeup done before I left the establishment also. Smoky eyes and false lashes were just the tip of the iceberg there… I’d brought a duffle with me, which contained a brand-new pair of black, thigh high leather boots, the sexiest curve-hugging bronze halter dress I’d ever seen, some large hoop earrings and bangle bracelets in antique brass, and an elegant black velvet choker that I’d playfully pinned a brass-colored bell to.

By The time I left the salon, I looked like a completely different woman… Which was exactly what I had planned for!

I stowed my other clothes in the backseat of my car and drove to the north end of the city, where my husband currently works. I parked a block away from the apartment complex, which he and his crew were constructing, and parked. I waited.

When I received Mark’s customary text–expressing gratitude for the end of another work day, and telling me he’d be home soon–I left the car and began walking towards the site. I passed other men, sending appreciative glances my way and I will admit, I felt myself walk a little taller and lift my breasts a little higher, enjoying the attention.

I soon spotted the man I was really looking for. He passed right by me…but not without glancing at my legs! That made me chuckle to myself. He hadn’t recognized me! A wide grin split my face as I called out “Hey, there, handsome…”.

Mark spun on his heels at the familiar sound of my voice, and he looked right past me, at first… Then his brown eyes landed solidly on me, somewhat bewildered. He looked delicious, standing there in his construction gear… Six feet tall, the wind rifling his short, dark hair. I strode towards him, working an extra swing into my hips. My earlier makeover was helping me to feel especially confident and in-character.

When I’d come close enough to be heard without raising my voice, I said “Looking to party?”. Mark’s eyes lit up with comprehension! I knew this was a fantasy he’d been interested in, for sometime. That wicked smile which I love so well, transformed his face into the expression which always made my panties wet.

“Well, hello there, sweet thing. I might be interested in a party… What’s your name?”

I almost told him it was Dina, simply out of a lifelong habit. But, I had prepared details for this role-play. It would only work right, if I completed the illusion of being someone else entirely. So, I told him “I’m Genevieve… What’s your name, baby?”.

Mark could not restrain his grin, as he decided to be someone else, also, telling me “I’m Jim! Hey…why don’t we step between those buildings, there… I happen to know this area very well and there’s a rather private little alcove just ahead, where we can conduct our…private discussion”.

Mark took my hand and guided me discreetly between the buildings, though I am sure we did not go unnoticed, which gave me a thrill. This was so exciting!

He pulled me into a little alcove just off the alley which was indeed very private. We could no longer be seen directly from the street.

I leaned my shoulder against a doorjamb there, and Mark leaned over me, placing a hand against the wall above my head. Having him loom over me like that was sexy as hell!

“What do you charge, doll?” he asked me.

Truly, I had no idea what a prostitute would typically charge, but I did know that Mark had collected winnings from some of the other guys at work today, from a bet they’d all placed on yesterday’s football game. I also knew what it would cost me to buy the new handbag I’d had my eye on…

I placed my manicured hands against his chest, enjoying the heat of his body. I looked him in the eyes and pressed close to whisper against his ear “It’ll cost you $200 for a really good time…”. Then, for no reason other than knowing Mark would take it as a challenge, I added firmly “But, I don’t do anal”. I hardened my expression briefly to convey to him that I was serious.

He gave me a cocky smirk and reached into his pocket. Extracting his wallet, he counted out several bills and put them in my hand. I bent forward enough to give him a good view, straight into my cleavage, and tucked the bills into my thigh-high leather boots.

I stood up straight again. His hand slid behind my neck. He rubbed his thumb up and down the column of my neck, making me shiver, while he took in the sight of me. Then, his hand slid up the back of my head and gathered my hair, gripping it firmly.

He tugged down, guiding me by my hair to lower myself to the smooth cement pad, onto my knees before him. I was suddenly grateful that I’d chosen to wear the high leather boots as opposed to a pair of strappy, come-fuck-me heels.

Without a word, He unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned his jeans and pulled down the zipper. He reached into his boxers and pulled out his rock hard, nearly-eight-inch cock. Pressing the tip of it to my lips, he pushed on the back of my head for additional encouragement. My tongue darted out to taste his skin, then I took the head of that beautiful cock into my warm, wet mouth. I moaned, taking my first suck.

Maintaining his grip on my hair, he thrust his hips forward, forcing his cock to the sensitive back of my throat. He always did enjoy playing rough… I found it exciting as well! I obligingly gagged on his cock. Tears formed in my eyes and spilled down my flushed cheeks. I sucked harder.

The silky black g-string I’d purchased for the occasion, quickly became drenched with my arousal, while Mark continued to fuck my face. He shoved his cock as deeply as he could before withdrawing again. Each time he thrust, the little bell on my velvet choker gave a tiny “ting”.

“Thats it, Genevieve, take it deep. You need to earn what I paid you. Oh, fuck, yeah!” He bit out a curse when I swirled my tongue around the sensitive head of his cock, just before he pushed it back into my throat, making my little bell jingle again. Tears continued to roll down my cheeks, and all the while, I purred for him.

Before I could make him cum,he pulled me off his cock by my hair. He helped me up to my feet. Tucking his hands beneath my ass, he lifted me. My legs went around his waist and he pressed me against the dusty brick wall of the building behind us. My tight dress rose above my hips. Mark reached to yank my panties to one side, before forcing his cock into me with one hard thrust. I gasped from the sudden shock of entry. Then I whimpered, submitting to him.

Mark fucked me hard against the wall, pounding my pussy mercilessly. I held onto him, moaning, feeling his balls slap against my ass. An orgasm built and soon broke over me. I bit his shoulder to help muffle my screams while I came, my pussy contracting violently around his shaft.

My body went limp against Mark. I panted, attempting to catch my breath. He slowed his pace, thrusting in and out of me at a more relaxed pace.

Finally he pulled out of me, and helped me down to find my footing on the ground. My legs trembled beneath me, unsteady. Mark grasped my shoulders, guided me to turn around. He gave me a little push to offset my balance and I brought my hands up quickly to brace against the brick wall so I wouldn’t stumble.

While I was distracted with staying upright, Mark grasped the delicate straps of my thin panties and promptly ripped them away from my body. I gasped again from the sting. Before I could say anything though, he positioned his hard cock–slick and wet from fucking me–against my tight asshole.

Remembering to stay in character, I snapped at him “I told you, no anal!”.

He wrapped one arm firmly around my waist to keep me immobilized, then continued to push his dick inside me. He whispered, harshly into my ear “And I told you, that you need to earn what I paid you”. His breaths came ragged as he forced his cock into my ass.

He brought up his free hand to clasp over my mouth, as though keeping his “unwilling” prostitute from calling for help, and leaned his body into mine, pressing me against the rough wall. He fucked me hard!

“Thats a good girl. Take it” he hissed, breath hot against my tear-streaked face. “Take it all, right up that ass, and moan. Show me you love it!” And I did.

With a hard grunt and a barely restrained yell, Mark shot his load into me. He filled my ass with his cum–cum which would be dripping down my thighs in moments.

He dropped his forehead to rest against the back of my head while he worked to catch his breath. Eventually, he said “You okay, babe?”

A breathy chuckle escaped me. In a husky whisper, I told him “I’m fantastic!”.

He laughed into my hair. “Fuck, I love you, Dina…” He said.

Mark helped me straighten my dress and disheveled appearance.

We walked, arms around one another, back out onto the street, leaving behind the torn black panties. He walked me back to my car, his cum dripping down the inside of my thighs, all the way. we shared one long, passionate kiss before he closed my car door and went to locate his own vehicle. I started my engine, looking forward to the shower he and I would share when we arrived back at our home.

Recalling the text he’d sent me when he’d left work, I held off from immediately pulling into traffic. I retrieved my phone and opened my text messages. He had written “I hate Mondays! So glad the workday is done. On my way home, love. Can’t wait to see you”.

Now, I responded with “Hurry home, husband. I have a surprise for you. I dyed my hair! You’ll get to make love to a new wife tonight.”

His reply was an emoji…with devil’s horns!



© 2017-2020 Vanessa Raqs, All Rights Reserved

Want to have some fun with the author?

Follow @cumversewithme on Twitter for Blog/SIte updates

The Girlfriend Experience ~ Article


Written by Vanessa Raqs


As I understand it, the Girlfriend Experience (GFE) is a trend that was most popular in the past two decades. That said, it remains my favorite kind of session to engage in with my phonesex clients.

In my personal opinion and experience, creating a heightened sense of intimacy with clients makes the experience far more exciting and pleasurable. It opens an opportunity to explore a sexual experience, from a heightened and, more unique perspective.

As a phone sex operator, getting to know my clients better can be a fun, enjoyable journey. There is intimacy gained by bonding. Also, understanding my clients’ individual needs more thoroughly through multiple encounters, lets me provide them with a more real and intense sexual experience. I enjoy making my clients feel special and, naturally, I love that they grow to desire doing the same for me.

Granted, money still changes hands, but this is, in and of itself an important element of the excitement.

Presently, BDSM and exploring darker levels of taboo, appear to be what is trending in the sex trade. I say this based on what I, myself, have encountered on chatlines and as a phone sex operator. I’ve had my hand in these “cookie jars” too and many others. So, while exploring diversity is essential and beneficial in my line of work, I also believe in playing to my strengths,… Work it if you’ve got it, as they say! Now, I do greatly enjoy being a submissive (and occasionally a dominant) and this ties in to both the BDSM and some of the taboo. But, I am also, by nature, an extremely playful, affectionate, cuddly and eager-to-please person. Put it all together and you have a very charming creature who excels at, and adores, the girlfriend experience! Add to this a submissive’s tendencies, my enjoyment of blowjobs and anal sex, and well… You’ve just iced the cake! (Sexual innuendo, fully intended!)

So, while it may be outdated… I stand by the notion that one should follow their bliss, in this case. Call it old-fashioned (or perhaps classic?), but whatever the case, I do hope that the girlfriend experience never truly goes out of style. There is always room for enrichment in life’s little pleasures, and that certainly does not exclude the sex trade. And if there is any style of session which is enriching, it is the girlfriend experience.

Learn more about the definition of the Girlfriend Experience, click here.


BONUS*** Because the Girlfriend Experience is a favorite session offering of mine, I am offering a promotional bonus… If you are seeing this, then I am assuming you’ve read the entire article. So, if you phone me for a paid session, and tell me that you have read my article “the Girlfriend Experience”, I will add an additional 5 free minutes to your session. There is no time limit on this promotion.


Follow me on Twitter @cumversewithme


© 2017-2020 Vanessa Raqs, All Rights Reserved


Wanna play with the Author?


Adventures in Marriage ~ One ~ Shes Ass-king for it!

Adventures in Marriage ~ ONE ~ She’s Ass-king for it!

Written by Vanessa Raqs


Excerpt from Dina’s Fuck Journal:


I’d decided to introduce Mark to my high-school cheer uniform and, I  must admit, even though I workout regularly and watch what I eat, I was nonetheless amazed that I could still squeeze into it after all these years! Sure, the hem barely concealed my ass, but at 29 years old, I still look smokin’ in it!

Slipping into the short, pleated white, blue and gray outfit, I paired it with white knee-high socks, clean white sneakers, and bound my strawberry blond hair into the obligatory pigtails. Beneath the skirt, I hid a surprise for my husband–a pair of sweet white lace boyshort panties which came high enough in back to expose the round bottoms of my tanned, toned ass cheeks.

Quietly, I sneaked downstairs to find Mark lounging on the couch in jeans and an open plaid shirt. My carpenter works hard and it definitely showed on his toned chest and deliciously flat abs. I couldn’t wait to play!

Addressing him as though he were a neighbor, and in my sweetest teen girl voice, I caught his attention by saying “Hey…Mr. Jones?”. Glancing up at me, his brief look of confusion changed quickly to one of shock and delight!

I shyly approached, coming to stand before him, between his spread knees. Not taking his eyes off my legs, where his gaze was fixed on a location just below the hem of my skirt, he clicked the TV remote to “off”. I saw his mood shift from relaxed to predatory. Perfect.

I pouted, telling him “I got kicked off the squad today… Captain told me my ass got too big over summer break. She said I couldn’t be in A squad anymore. She told me that my ass was good for nothin’ if it’s this big… You don’t think my ass is good for nothin’, do you, Mr. Jones?”. I turned to give him a view of just how scantily covered my rounded ass was in the tiny skirt. It was true after all, even if I had stayed in excellent shape all these years, that my ass was bigger than it had been in high school… His fingers went immediately up the back of my skirt and brushed the lace beneath. My pussy throbbed at the contact.

Mark told me darkly “I can think of a few things that your ass is good for, baby…”.

“Really? Like what?” I asked over my shoulder, while I began to make my way back to the stairs. Mark rose from the couch, following, stalking me with a predatory gaze. I was careful to stay ahead of him, just out of reach as I made my way to the second floor…like a proper little prick-tease. A prick-tease who would soon get exactly what was coming to her.

When he caught up with me in the bedroom, he didn’t hesitate. He pressed himself against my back, wrapping his arms around me and sliding his hands down my body, fingers seeking the edge of that skirt. His cock was rock hard against my back, so I gasped playfully, asking “Mr. Jones! What are you doing! You shouldn’t touch me that way… Daddy will be so angry if he finds out”.

Mark’s lips curled into what I suspect was a wicked smile, against the top of my head “Are you going to tell him, little Dina?”

“Well…..no.” I admitted, trying to sound convincingly uneasy. I struggled to keep the smile out of my voice.

He pulled me towards the dresser, opened the top drawer…and extracted a familiar bundle of nylon rope. I effected a nervous frown, asking him ” Wh-what’s that for?”

“To make sure you stay put while I show you what that juicy round ass is really good for.”

“But…what if I don’t want that?”

“It makes no difference. I mean, you can try to get away, of course–” he said “but I’ll catch you…and it will just make me want to fuck you harder”.

So, naturally…I tried. Ducking beneath his arm, I barely took one step before he locked an arm around me and easily wrestled me down onto the bed, face to the matress. He held me down with his knee while he guided my arms up over my head. He began wrapping the rope around my wrists. My breaths came faster. I was too turned on by this point to try making a break for it again. Those little white lace panties of mine, were soaked!

Once my hands were bound, Mark, remaining in character, asked me how old I was. Feeling scandalous, I told him “I’m 15”. He asked me if anyone had ever licked my pussy before. I told him “My boyfriend did once but we almost got caught and he had to stop…”

“Well, no one is going to find us here and I am certainly not going to stop” Mark replied. Then said “You’re going to get that pussy licked properly this time”. He reached beneath my pleated skirt and began to drag down the lacy white boyshorts, making a growl of approval as he did so. He slid them down my legs and off, tossing them to the floor. He pulled my legs open, none-too-gently, and settled between them. He pushed the skirt up over my ass, sliding his fingers between my ass cheeks as he did so. Pressing his face into my ass next, he began tonguing my tight little asshole…he paused just long enough to say “Oh, little Dina…I’ll bet no boy ever did this to you before. You must feel so dirty…and you should”. I squirmed, moaning. It felt fucking amazing! Then, before long, he moved down to make good on his earlier promise.

Working a finger into my tight little asshole, he sucked and nibbled my clit, making me whimper and cry out. His finger slowly moved more deeply into my ass while he ate me aggressively. On the verge of cumming, I ground my pussy back against his face. Abruptly, he stopped, earning my whine of protest. An evil chuckle was his only reply.

He rolled me over onto my side then. Readjusting the rope, he brought my wrists down in front of my chest, crisscrossing the dangling lengths of rope. He drew them up around my neck then down my back, crossing them again before binding my ankles. He left a generous amount of slack.

Part of the reasoning for that slack became clear when he pulled my wrists down so that my hands reached to between my thighs. He then handed me my hot pink, rabbit-style vibrator. Leaning close, he said softly against my ear “You’re going to fuck yourself with that, little girl”.

With a quiver in my voice, I asked “What are you going to do to me?”.

He undressed, making me wait for the answer. All the while he kept his eyes on me; the weight of their intensity making me ache. Finally, he wrapped a hand around his incredibly hard, nearly-eight-inch cock, and said “Baby, I’m going to fuck you with this. But, I’m going to put it deep inside that sweet round ass of yours. You’re going to go home tonight with my cum dripping out of your ass, down your pretty thighs, and you’ll still be feeling what I did to you, tomorrow morning when you walk to school”.

Damn, role-playing with Mark is hot!

I protested, telling him “It’s too big to put there and it’s wrong! Please, Mr. Jones! It won’t fit, it’ll hurt and I’m scared”.

“It doesn’t matter” a wicked grin curved his delicious lips. “You’re getting it up your tight ass, whether you want it or not…and I will make it fit”.

He pushed the vibrator between my legs and slid it straight into my very wet pussy. He expertly turned it on, setting it to my favorite setting. Then he wrapped my own fingers around the base. I had to concentrate hard on not cumming immediately.

He slid a blindfold over my eyes next–I hadn’t even seen him take that out–and I soon heard the wet sound of him applying lubricant to the length of his cock. I listened hard, the lack of seeing made me hyper aware and my anticipation built to a new intensity.

Then, I felt the head of his dick pressing firmly against my asshole. I couldn’t help it–I shivered, excited. He hesitated only seconds, waiting for the initial resistance of my body to recede…then he was pressing his hard length inside of me.

He began to move deeper inside, then out, then back in…I moaned like the wanton little whore that Mark always turned me into. The vibrator in my pussy…Mark, making me take it up the ass… It felt incredible!

I told him “Too big…it’s too big…”.

He leaned forward to whisper his smug reply–“I’m not even all the way inside of you yet”. I whimpered. He loved it, fucking me faster, going deeper with each thrust until he was indeed all the way inside me. So…deep…inside of me.

While Mark’s shaft moved in long strokes, inside my ass, and my vibrator relentlessly massaged my clit, I was soon taken over with a seemingly endless, intensely-consuming, orgasm. I screamed through it, knowing the neighbors would hear, but didn’t care. It was insane, rendering me utterly helpless! Mark let loose something like a war cry, cumming hard soon thereafter. I could tell that it was one of the best orgasms he’d ever had. As mine was for me.

We lay there for a time, catching our breath. Eventually, Mark pulled out of me, smoothed a lock of my hair and began removing the blindfold, rope and vibrator. He was no longer the lecherous, hot older neighbor. He was again my husband. He lovingly kissed my forehead and murmured against my skin “I’m going to go clean up, then pour you a nice hot bubble bath, love. Rest here until I come get you”. With a boyish smile he rose from the bed and left. I practically purred my delight, watching that man’s gorgeous ass while he walked away. I own that ass, I thought happily. And damn, if he don’t own mine right back!


© 2017-2020 Vanessa Raqs, All Rights Reserved

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